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Our Policies

By registering your child you are agreeing with all the policies listed below

This is an outdoor camp run by teenagers and supervised by adults. 

We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken items brought to camp.

We are not responsible for any injuries that happen at camp.

Athletes will come to class in proper attire.

Once tuition is paid it cannot be re-funded for any purpose. 

If an athlete violates any of our policies, we have the right to exclude them from performaces and other oppertunities they might have while at camp. 

Students must attend classes reguarly and be punctual.

Absolutley no gum, food, or drink other than water is allowed in class with the only exception of, our five minute snack time. 

We have the right to refuse service for any reason.

The Parent/Gaurdian is responsible for any property damaged by the athlete.  

By registering your child you are agreeing with our policies and agree to enforce them with your athlete as well.

Policies: Testimonials

©2021 by KT Dance Company

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